Monday, June 15, 2009

40% released..

10% released bcoz umi just come back from no more mummy to be ...
20 % released after settle down my bro's wedding (mcm la wedding sdiri lak kan)
10 % released after solved the big prob in my life..He tried to accept the fate...


40% still bothering...bcoz of my final report n my research report
5% still thinking of the item that I should post back to KK, that too much books and cloth
5% still confusing "Should I stay as NR for next sem"
10% I missing my university but also can't leave the hospital..the person around me..(macam dah terlekat plak) - confused, nak bagi apa ntah kat mereka2 ni..

So..average feeling is quite good becoz the good mood still can control the bad mood..

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