Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My 6th day Training...

Yesterday, we have problem about outpatient cafe. The owner asked my supervisor to close the the tender that already advertised/offered to other caterer. there are a lot of problem/comment about the cafe..Lack of hygiene in food handling, the price is too high and about the taste..uwa..can't desribe it..totally i just can say, i offered myself to handle the happy bcoz got another job..then, start my new journey today..going to the cafe..just look around..i'cant take pic bcoz dun want anyone noticed about my inspection..(this case quite complicated, bcoz the owner got someone, just use their power..)... then, i just take some point about the performance of the cafe (from staff feedback, my review)...then, just finished writea questionnaire about the cafe..wanna have some feedback from staff..then, tomorrow we'll distribute it after get approval from GM.. Insyaallah, everything can settle..can't wait the result from customer feedback..bcoz almost all the staff not satisfied...

then...for tomorrow..i'll handle a case..also related to food handling..
Got comment from patient about the bread the date in food bulk, the staff on duty, warning them to change the bread everyday before give to patient etc... for new suggestion, food labeling should be apply to avoid any confusion n also can apply 5s..then, tomorrow will be act...hehe..reportttttt check out~~~.....

More assignment, pregnancy slideshow n brochure...then, eldest,infant, disease etc...visit patient (refer case only) analysis...give food hygiene talk to staff...

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